Monday, December 31, 2012

Submissiveness in Prayer (Al-Khushoo' Fis Salah) part 3

Asalamu Alikum

Self Assessment
Make it a daily habit to examine your Salah critically. If there is any defect, repent and try to eliminate this defect, as sin without repentance blocks your way to success. Don't let Shaytan defeat you -just keep trying. Maintain a high spirit and ambition, holding firmly to your faith and seek strength only from Allah.
Consider the example of the Prophet (saws), who was protected from error, who has been guaranteed paradise. He would ask Allah's forgiveness 100 times a day. What then should be expected from us?
Assessment of oneself is not meant to instill a feeling of failure or incompetence. As long as your intention is to do good, you follow through with it, and you continue trying, the reward will be given to you.
"Verily! As for those who believe and do righteous deeds - certainly! We shall not suffer to be lost the reward of anyone who do his (righteous) deeds in the most perfect manner." Qur'an 18:30

Recognising your defects shouldn't pull your spirit down but should rather motivate you to improve. Remember that strength is the key to closeness with Allah.

"The strong Mu-min is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak Mu-min."
Comprehension and Contemplation
The renown scholar, Ibn Al-Qaym, has said that on two occasions the servant of Allah will be between the hands of Allah: On the Day of Judgement and in Salah. Whoever perfects his stand in this life will have an easy stand on the Day of Judgement.
A man came to the Prophet (saws)and said:
"Give me brief advice in which I don't need anything else. He said to Him: "When you pray, pray like a person who is saying farewell." Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim, and Al-Buhaqi
When you stand to pray and pronounce "Allahu Akbar", reflect upon the meaning of Allah's Greatness, hoping for His reward and fearing. His punishment. When you bow for rukoo' and say, Subhana Rabbi Al-Adheem strive to refine the inner feeling of your own impotence and insignificance before the Might and submission in prayer. Your words Subhanna Rabbi Al-A'alaa should be said with full awareness of your complete poverty to Allah. When you conclude your prayer, feel a sense of gratitude to Allah, for having enabled you to complete this act of worship. Imagine that you are saying this farewell prayer of yours and that you may not live to offer another like it.
Remembering The Last Day
Remember the hardness of the Day of Judgement when we shall all stand before Allah, fearful and ashamed of what we have to present to Him. It is for this reason we should avoid concerning ourselves so much with this life and concentrate on that which will be of benefit to us on that day, particularly acts of worship. Nothing else deserves the importance of remembrance of this day.
"And part of the night prostrate yourself to Him and glorify Him a long night through. As to these, they love the fleeting life and put away behind them a Day that will be hard."Qur'an 76:26-27
Those who ignore this Ayah love the world and are forgetting the heavy day that they will face. Consider the seriousness of the Day of Judgement. Remember death. Remember that your life here is only temporary and can be short.
"Seek help in patience and prayer; truly it is hard except for those who are humble. Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord and that they are to return to Him." Qur'an 2:45-46
Truly those who possess Khushoo', the Khashi'een, seek help in patience and prayer. They know and realise the importance of the Day of Judgement and appreciate that they will meet with their Lord.
This is a positive anxiety which pushes them to do more. They know that as long as they are alive they have a chance to do something to improve their stand on that Day. And they take advantage of each and every chance.
"If only you could see when the guilty ones will bend low their heads before their Lord (saying): Our Lord! We have seen and we have heard; now then, send us back (to the world) we will work righteousness, for we do indeed (now) believe." Qur'an 32:12
Following the Path of the Companions
The Companions of the Prophet (saws, were always shy and afraid to present a bad prayer to Allah. They were filled with fear that their deeds would not be accepted. Consider this in relation to their exquisite piety, as seen in the following stories from their lives:
* One whose leg was in need of amputation was faced with the difficulty of surgery without anesthesia. He was offered alcohol to help decrease the pain he would undoubtedly feel but he refused saying: Cut it off while I am in prayer. The amputation was completed while he was in Sujood.
* Muslim bin Yasaar was praying in the masjid when a portion of the building collapsed. He was completely unaware of the event due to his Salah.
* 'Amir bin 'Abdullah was one of the humble in prayer. He was asked: "Does anything come into your mind in your prayer?" He replied: "Is there something that is more beloved to me than Salah that should come to my mind." They said: "Verily, things come to our minds when we pray." He said to them: "Such as Paradise and the Maidens of Paradise and thing like this?" They said: "No. Our families and our wealth." 'Amir replied: "I would rather spears pass through my body than get that sort of thing in my prayer."
We should look to their level of concentration, love them for their deep faith and strength, and ask Allah to make us like them. They show us that the fundamental elements of prayer are not the mere rituals but rather humility and conscious awareness.
Knowing the Rewards and Punishments
One who has khushoo' benefits enormously whereas one who is lacking in khushoo' will suffer various consequences. By knowing the rewards associated with khushoo' and the punishments for the lack thereof, we may better conceive the importance of developing this very special aspect of Iman.
The Rewards
1. "Successful indeed are the Mu-mineen, those who humble themselves in their prayer."Qur'an 23:1-2
2.The right to enter Al-Jannah through Baab As-Salah - The door of Prayer.
3. Khushoo' will provide you relaxation and will become 'pleasing to the eye'. You will experience tranquillity and calmness. However, such things come only through jihad and patience.
"Truly man was created very impatient. Fretful when evil touches him. And niggardly when good reaches him. Not so those devoted to prayer. Those who remain steadfast in their prayer." Qur'an 70:19-23
4.It will become a source of strength and power and will serve as a protection from Shaytan and provide you with stability. Allah (swt), says:
"Seek help through Sabr (patience) and Salah."Qur'an 2:45
This is evident in the following Hadith:
"He (saws), when saddened by a thing, would seek refuge in prayer."Related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud
Whenever you are in need or trouble - pray!
5. Help's one's conscience and purifies and perfects other deeds. Indeed all of our actions, word and deed, are affected by our Salah. And, Subhan Allah, it works in two very simple ways. Submit more in Salah and you'll submit in other deeds...and vice versa!!!
"The first thing that the servant will be called to account for on the Day of Judgment will be Salah. If it is good, his deeds will have been good. If it is bad, his deed will have been bad." Related by Al-Tabarani
6. Perfects one's morals, manners, character and attitude. This is known as Husnul Khuluq.
"Verily Salah restrains from indecency and evil deeds" Qur'an 29:45
"There is nothing that weighs heavier upon the scale of a believer on the Day of Judgement as does Husnul Khuluq." Related by Al-Tabarani
7. Establishes for you a closeness to the Prophet (saws), on the Day of Judgement. The Prophet (saws), said:
"Verily the most beloved of you to me and the nearest to me on the Day of Judgement are those with the best manners." Al-Tabarani

Rabe'ah bin Ka'ab said:
"I was with the Messenger of Allah (saws) one night, and I brought him water and what he required. He said to me: Ask (anything you like). I said: I ask your company in paradise. He (The Prophet (saws)) said: "Anything other than that?" I said: "That is all." He said: "Then help me to achieve this for you by devoting yourself often to prostration." Muslim
8. Brings you close to Allah (swt).
"Sujood is the closest you can come to Allah." Related by Muslim
9. The falling of sins from your body. The Prophet (saws) said:
"Verily when a Muslim performs Wudu properly, and then observes Salah five times a day, his sins fall off just as these leaves have fallen off.
He then recited the following ayat:
And establish regular prayers at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the night; for those things which are good removes those things which are evil. That is a reminder for the mindful." Qur'an 11:114
10. The Love of and from Allah. This is the highest of rewards.
"My servant does not draw near Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have imposed upon him, and my servant continues to draw near Me with voluntary works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask (something) of Me, I would surely give it to him; and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant it to him."
The Punishments
1. Life will be full of discomfort, agony and misery.
"But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment." Qur'an 20:124
Sufferings in life may be evidence of one being upon the wrong path, or relief of sufferings a sign that one is upon correct guidance. A German man suffered continually from migraine headaches. No treatment was of any relief, despite his constant search. He happened upon a Muslim who was offering prayer. He was so interested that he waited to inquire as to what this act of worship was and to what religion it belonged. His interest in the prayer, and the religion which commanded such as an act, was due to the prostration - he had found that he could only obtain relief from his pain while in such a position as that which is assumed in Sujood. He eventually accepted Islam and has not, Subhan Allah, suffered from migraines since.
2. All deeds will be bad - a complete loss. If Salah is not performed, it will definitely affect our other deeds in life.
"The first thing that the servant will be called to account for on the Day of Judgement will be Salah. If it is good, his deeds will have been good. If it is bad, his deeds will have been bad." Related by Tabarani
3. Destruction of the bond of brother/sisterhood in Islam. If we are unable to develop khushoo' with our Lord how can we expect to care and feel for our brother Muslims? Without the benefits that are attained through khushoo', Muslims will part from each other and hatred will be given freedom to develop.
4. Depletion of morality and righteousness. Without submission and humbleness, we will be faced with a society of aggressive, self-centered personalities who have no concern for Allah and Islam.
5. Rejection from Allah. We know the great benefits of Allah's love. What will become of us, if He turns away from us?
"But, after them followed a posterity who lost Salah and followed after lusts; soon then will they face destruction." Qur'an 19:59
In the tafseer (explanation) of this Ayah it is mentioned that the phrase who lost Salah does not mean that they completely stopped praying, but that they delayed it, not praying it at the proper time.
Fulfilling our Bodies Needs
Stray thoughts may be prompted by something external. We should fulfill such bodily needs as necessary to concentrate and gain complete benefits from our Salah. We should sleep and eat well.
We should protect ourselves from the elements of weather so that cold and heat do not cause us discomfort.
Our clothing should be comfortable, not irritating. Our attention is caught by anything which happens to engage our eyes and ears. We should distance ourselves from noise as much as possible to avoid distractions that are possible to control

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Asalamu alikum On the other hand, the Prophet (saw) has also described to us those people who perform the deeds of Paradise until ...